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100% solutions to Scenario and Sensitivity Analysis in Excel

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If you want to test how an increase in percentage of cost of good sold affects the contribution margin, you would use ________.

When performing a scenario analysis, which of the following tools/functions in Excel is used to create a dropdown list where we can select the live case?

You should perform sensitivity analysis when:

The formula contained in the yellow highlighted cell (I39) is = 1. ( 2. , I9,I24). This formula can be copied over to the entire live scenario section without any manual modification. (Hint: do not forget to use absolute references.)

What is the share price when the discount rate is 13% and revenue growth is 15%?

What is the share price when COGS increases by 5%?

The formula contained in the YELLOW cell (G179) is ___________ Hint: do not forget the $ when using absolute references. Use absolute reference so this formula can be copied over to other cells in this section without any manual modification.

The formula contained in the ORANGE cell (H178) is = 1. ($A$177:$G$180, 2. ( 3. ,$F$177:$F$180,0),MATCH($A$177,$A$177: $F$177,0)) Hint: do not forget the $ when using absolute references.

What type of chart did we use to build a tornado chart?

Rank the assumptions (drivers) according to sensitivity from lowest to highest.

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